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Как вылечить стоматит во рту

One of the most common oral problems is stomatitis. It occurs under the influence of various factors: bacteria and microbes, microtrauma of the mucous membrane, problems with teeth, metabolic disorders in the body or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Whatever the cause of stomatitis, it is very unpleasant in itself. You need to know how to cure stomatitis in your mouth quickly to avoid unpleasant symptoms and complications.

Medication for stomatitis

In the fight against stomatitis, resorption pills, topical ointments, sprays and powders help.

How to cure stomatitis in the mouth with tablets? You can buy at the pharmacy a pill for resorption of Hexoral tabs. Almost any lozenges and lozenges for sore throats, such as Stopangin or Faringosept, also help. All these drugs work the same way: they have an antimicrobial and antiseptic effect, helping to get rid of raids and hyperemia at the site of the rash, in addition, they have local anesthesia.

Ointments can quickly defeat stomatitis. The most popular drugs are Metragil Denta (contraindicated for children under 6 years old), Holisal (can be used for children over 1 year old). They are actively struggling with all types of stomatitis, including fungal. Such funds will never interfere in the first-aid kit, because they can come in handy for other problems in the oral cavity.

All kinds of sprays can be considered an effective remedy for stomatitis: Proposol, Ingalipt, Lugol Spray, Miramistin, etc.

How to cure stomatitis in the mouth without drugs?

When signs of stomatitis appear, it is necessary to start rinsing the oral cavity. For this purpose, you can use ordinary boiled water or decoctions of plants that have anti-inflammatory effects. A broth of chamomile or calendula is perfect (infusion of these plants can be bought at a pharmacy, it is called Rotokan). You can rinse your mouth with carrot or cabbage juice diluted with water (1/1). Very effective infusion of bluehead. Brewed flowers should be insisted for 45 minutes, and only then used for rinsing. Such procedures relieve pain, prevent the spread of stomatitis throughout the oral cavity. How to cure stomatitis in the mouth without rinsing? They recommend chewing aloe leaves, however, not many manage it, because aloe is very bitter in taste. Perfectly helps relieve swelling of raw potatoes. https://australiacasinoonline.com/5-dollars-minimum-deposit-casinos-australia/
