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Tips on how to create a cosplay

Cosplay is a type of modern visual art, recreating characters from games, movies, books, and sometimes music in real life.

Cosplay may involve professional models, but there are also plenty of amateurs. Cosplay is aimed both at creating such an image in real life and at creating colorful photos. In the latter case, part of the art was, in fact, the processing of photos to enhance the desired effect.

The result is usually astonishing. It seems that the characters literally came off the pages of books. Or entered our reality from the reality of the game. It is not surprising that many become interested in how the creation of such an image? Many people think that it is enough to find (buy, order or rent) a costume, make a suitable hairstyle, find accessories and find a photographer. And even this can no longer be described as "simple".

But in fact, it's even more complicated. Many people skip different stages, ignore the preparation. However, the result does not impress anyone.

Selection of the image by type

To begin with, it is necessary to pick up a model for a particular image. Or vice versa - to find suitable images for the cosplayer https://designedby3d.com/product-category/titanfall-2/.

Of course, there is also a non-standard disclosure. Nevertheless, the most authentic cosplay should still take into account the basic parameters: gender, race, age, configuration, some features of appearance, which cannot be hidden by a wig and other things.

Addressing the issue of physical fitness

Another important point: most cosplayers are, as a rule, slim or athletic people. It is necessary to take this trend into account, so as not to run into negativity. Therefore, most models prior to filming, in one way or another, tidy up their uniform if it does not meet the requirements. Although it is always possible to find a suitable image, taking into account the current form.

Deciding on a costume and accessories

Half of a cosplayer's success is a carefully crafted costume. It is usually sewn or made to order for a specific image. Everything is important: the material, color, texture, proportions, and how well or not so well the costume fits the figure.

Also important to quality cosplay is whether an outfit is suitable for a particular role. There are also methods of artificial aging. Although some cosplayers do it in a simpler way: they trivially wear the costume for a while before the photo shoot. This also often helps you get into character and start to feel more natural.
