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Knowledge of foreign languages. What does this give a person?

Foreign languages ​​are currently an integral part of modern education. Their adequate knowledge is considered necessary for career development and success. Modern multiculturalism, the requirements that are growing in the now demanding labor market, push us to the desire to communicate freely with other people and create simpler ways and methods of communication.

The benefits of learning foreign languages.

Good knowledge, especially English, opens up professional opportunities both at home and abroad. In our country, it has been established that special attention and attention is paid to foreign languages, even from childhood.

A good knowledge of foreign languages ​​shows us the diversity of languages ​​that exist in the world, introduces us to the diversity and richness of the ways people communicate.

But learning foreign languages, in addition to the professional opportunities that they can offer, greatly contributes to the mental and emotional abilities of a person.

A good knowledge of foreign languages, according to the latest scientific studies, can prevent brain degeneration at an older age. This is because they develop important skills and abilities, such as memory, judgment, perception, judgment, and the ability to draw conclusions. According to many experts, the more languages ​​are known, the more adequately they ensure the proper functioning of the brain.

Language is the most important feature of any culture. Studying how it developed throughout history, how the majority of the population were treated and what rules it governs, we also encounter a different culture, studying its own characteristics, habits and customs.

Adequate knowledge of languages ​​allows us to think faster, to calculate a lot of different data in order to come to a more correct conclusion. We can more easily analyze, calculate more correctly and, ultimately, get a more complete judgment.

But in addition to the intellectual abilities that are honed and developed, the advantages of foreign languages ​​do not end there.

Respect and the magic of diversity.

Acquaintance with foreign languages ​​teaches us respect and the magic of diversity. A foreigner is not an enemy to us, but a person with a different culture and culture, to which we will become accustomed and learn to respect. We understand that a foreign culture, a different language is a way to better know and accept people. And this, in the end, leads us to the conclusion that we are united by something more than what separates us.

It is recommended that the child begins his acquaintance with a foreign language when he has sufficient understanding and knowledge of the subject to which he / she is going. It is equally important that the child has an opinion and a look at the foreign language that he / she wants to learn, and how he / she wants to be taught.

Education is a space that is constantly changing, progressing, assimilating new elements and rejecting others. Foreign language teaching should also change, master the latest technological developments and keep the flag of progress. Bongacams заблокирован в России. Как обойти блокировку мы раскажем в данной статье, и так Внимание как зайти на bonga очень просто используте альтернативный сайт зеркало вот: http://rt.redcams.su и вам не нужны разные там ВПН или прокси для обхода блокироовки просто заходите на сайт и дальше продолжаете общение.
